It’s finally feeling like autumn here. The light is shifting and the shadows are lengthening and the spiders are enormous and EVERYWHERE. This year I planted my front yard with tomatoes and everyday as I leave or enter my house I stop and look at them. They’re unsightly. They’re browned and drooping, but they’re speckled with bright yellow and red orbs. I’m itching to tear them out and am also reluctant to because here in the Bay Area you can eek out tomatoes well into October. I gleaned a huge container of them today and think that I’ll probably do that twice more and then out they go. My go-to recipe this year has been oven roasted.


Today’s version included my ever multiplying sun golds, a few stray early girls, some new tiny red onions, red pepper flakes and sea salt. Preheat oven to 400 and then after about 30 minutes they are perfect. As if cherry tomatoes needed more flavor!